
Patient Information

We are a healthcare institution committed to family medicine, offering a comprehensive array of services encompassing acute, chronic, and preventive medical care for the physical and mental well-being of individuals. Our key objective is to provide superior care for both you and your family members.

Operating Hours

Mon - Fri

We are closed on Sun­day and most North­ern Ter­ri­to­ry Pub­lic holidays.

Home Visits

Bath Street Fam­i­ly Med­ical Cen­tre offers home vis­its for very ill patients or those with a dis­abil­i­ty. This ser­vice is only avail­able to patients of this prac­tice, whose ail­ments pre­vent them from attend­ing the Prac­tice. Appoint­ments can be arranged direct­ly with your doctor.

Phone Calls

In order to pro­vide patients the best con­sul­ta­tion pos­si­ble, we avoid inter­rupt­ing doc­tors with tele­phone calls. Our recep­tion staff are hap­py to take a mes­sage and the doc­tor or nurse will return your call as soon as they are available.

Test Results

Results of blood tests and radi­o­log­i­cal tests such as X‑rays and scans are usu­al­ly available 5 days after the investigations are performed. Some results require more time to be avail­able and gen­er­al­ly your doc­tor will advise you if a longer wait applies to your tests. We rec­om­mend that all patients make a fol­low up appoint­ment to dis­cuss the results of any tests ordered by your doc­tor includ­ing blood tests and X‑rays. Urgent abnor­mal test results will be brought to your atten­tion by a doc­tor or one of our staff mem­bers.

We have a ded­i­cat­ed results line which oper­ates Mon­day to Fri­day from 11am — 12pm dai­ly. The line is oper­at­ed by the Prac­tice Nurse who may give you your results over the phone if they are checked and nor­mal, or let you know if the doc­tor will need to see you again for any fol­low up appointments.

A black and white icon of a hospital and a pill on a white background.

Repeat Prescriptions

The qual­i­ty and safe­ty of patient care is impor­tant to us and we rec­om­mend patients make an appoint­ment for pre­scrip­tions. Repeat pre­scrip­tions with­out doc­tor-patient con­tact may be pro­vid­ed at the doctor’s dis­cre­tion. This ser­vice is only avail­able for patients of Bath Street Fam­i­ly Med­ical Cen­tre and where the orig­i­nal script was pro­vid­ed by one of our doc­tors. The patient must have been seen by one of our doc­tors with­in the last 3 – 6 months. We require 24 hour notice for all script requests.

A black and white icon of a medical report with a cross and a check mark.

Medical Certificates

All cer­tifi­cates (Sick­ness or Work­ers Com­pen­sa­tion) require an appoint­ment with the doc­tor. These are legal doc­u­ments and can­not be back­dat­ed. Requests for a cer­tifi­cate can­not be made over the telephone.

A black and white logo with a white s on a black background.

Specialist Referrals

A refer­ral from your GP is required before book­ing an appoint­ment with a med­ical spe­cial­ist. Your GP will assess your con­di­tion pri­or to rec­om­mend­ing spe­cial­ist care. Refer­rals are only valid for a year, which means you will need to book anoth­er appoint­ment with your GP if the pre­vi­ous refer­ral is more than 12 months old. Your GP con­tin­ues to work with the spe­cial­ist to pro­vide you with qual­i­ty ongo­ing care. 

A black and white image of a panda on a white background.

Reminder / Recall System

Our Prac­tice is com­mit­ted to pre­ven­ta­tive care. Your doc­tor will seek your per­mis­sion to be includ­ed on our reminder sys­tem. We may issue you with a reminder notice from time to time offer­ing you pre­ven­ta­tive health ser­vices appro­pri­ate to your care. You may decline this ser­vice if you wish by inform­ing your doc­tor or the recep­tion staff.

A black and white icon of a medical document with a check mark.

Personal Health Records & Privacy

Your med­ical record is a con­fi­den­tial doc­u­ment. It is the pol­i­cy of our prac­tice to main­tain the secu­ri­ty of per­son­al health infor­ma­tion at all times, and to ensure that this infor­ma­tion is only avail­able to autho­rized mem­bers of staff. Please click the link below to view our pri­va­cy policy.

Privacy Policy
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